Juvenile Rehabilitation

Juvenile Rehabilitation


Juvenile Rehabilitation

Project Name:

Juvenile Prisoners Rehabilitation Project


The law and order situation of Bangladesh is not satisfactory for peaceful living. One Corruption Makes another corruption continuously in Bangladesh. To control this fact, there are same good laws available in Bangladesh against the corruption. But these laws are not implementing in Bangladesh the corruption had been lessened or stopped in Bangladesh. Some times some personnel of the law enforcing agencies and some criminals abuse the law legal systems of Bangladesh due to corruption and in this way, they victimize poor and helpless juveniles. In this way same personnel of the law entoreing agencies does not obey the and rules relating to Juvenile prisoners and does not obey their duty according to the law rather they same times help some criminals. As a result, by the help of some personal of law enforcing agencies the criminals makes conspiracy and set a plot to victimize the innocent juvenile in false cases like Arms, violence against the person, Sexual offerces, Women harassment, Burglary, Robbery, Theft and handling, Fraud and Forgery, Drugs offences, Motoring offences for their plotting. It is the first step to harassment of innocent juveniles of Bangladesh. By these false cases the innocent juveniles has become victimized and go to jail without getting any kind of legal aid. As a result, they remain stay in prison for a long duration become of insufficient knowledge of legal system of Bangladesh and do not know really how to rid of their harassment by dint of getting proper legal aid and assistance as they are totally ignorant about getting proper legal aid and assistance so that they can get justice and get free from jail a legal way and without any illegal delay.
Al all, Most of them are illiterate and economically insolvent, thus they does not get legal aid. So, they stay in jail without justice.

Target Group:

Juvenile prisoners are those prisoners aged between 15 and 17 years, the group being broken down into juveniles (15-17 years) and young adults (18-21 Years). 18-21 Year old offenders are a particularly vulnerable group. The young adult prisoners were excluded from school at some stage and most of them are unemployed at the time of their arrest. They are our target group for give them legal aid and assistance.


After arrest the majority of Juvenile prisoners suffer multiple deprivations in the shape of physical and sexual abuse, physical and mental health problems, parental neglect, poor educational attendance and substance misuse, Most of them affected mental health problems, with exhibiting sings of psychotic illness. Most of them become poly-drug users. In Jail of Bangladesh the Lack of facilities for medical care, awareness, counseling, legal help, recreation, education etc result in traumatic stress and state of hopelessness, which subsequently leads to high risk behaviors for HIV and STD transmission. MSM (Men having Sex with Men) behavior exists in the so-called Juvenile barracks in these prisons, where above juvenile age boys are also incarcerated. In the juvenile barracks the elder inmates (who are above the age of 18) enjoys a number of powers and they usually force the youth age juveniles for sex.


  1. A new Act should introduce by the Government of Bangladesh for the Juvenile justice to prevent offending by children and juvenile people.
  2. The children Act 1974 should establish a new principal aim for the Juvenile justice system to prevent offending by children and young people.
  3. It is most important to establish under the Act to monitor Youth Justice Board for Bangladesh for the operation and performance of the youth Justice system and to identify and disseminate good practice in youth justice and in preventing offending by children and juvenile people.
  4. A child centered approach should be taken by the Government of Bangladesh reflecting the spirit of the children Act 1974.
  5. All juvenile people are screened on arrival to ensure all immediate health care and other needs are identified and catered for.
  6. They are provided with a first night pack, including a-phone card or equivalent and reading/writing materials.
  7. They are given the opportunity to contact families/carers within two hours of arrival.
  8. They are given information about visiting, personal property, pastoral care and the sentence planning,review and resettlement arrangements.
  9. They have a personal officer assigned to them whose role is to act as an adviser with whom they have frequent, purposeful contact and with whom they can establish good relationships.
  10. The Prison Rules 1999 require arrangements to be made for all prisoners of compulsory school age to participate in education or training courses for at least 15 hours a week within the normal working week.
  11. To provide Juvenile offenders with 30 hours a week of purposeful activity, including good quality education and training provision, whilst in custody.
  12. A scheme should introduce to provide each youngster with a tailor-made program overseen by a key worker based at the prison. The program seeks to tackle problems such as drug-dependency and offers practical help on addressing housing, employment and training needs.
  13. A Scheme should introduce to provide a special emphasis on safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and Juvenile people by the Government of Bangladesh.
  14. A scheme should introduce to provide the provision of a safe environment for all young people at all times to get job in job fields as soon as possible after completing there education.
  15. A scheme should introduce to provide for special attention to every young person’s physical, mental and social health, including the promotion of healthy lifestyles by the Government of Bangladesh.
  16. Daily involvement in a variety of activities in keeping with individual needs, abilities and potential with education and training forming an important and vital part of the young people’s custodial experience.
  17. Staffs who have received appropriate training and can act as significant adults and role models.
  18. Towards the end of their sentence and provided they meet the eligibility criteria, young people may apply to the Governor for the opportunity to be released on a temporary license to undertake activities in the community linked to continuing their education, future training and employment opportunities, maintaining positive networks and general resettlement. The aim of this scheme is to assist the juvenile people’s rehabilitation and help prevent them from re-offending. Thorough risk assessments have to be completed before an application can be approved.
  19. Apart from education and training some establishments provide enrichment activities, which can include programs of drama, dance, music and clubs (e.g computer club). Rewards and sanctions schemes operate to ensure that good behavior is promoted, recognized and rewarded. Each establishment will operate its own scheme. Which is designed specifically for juveniles and aims to provide realistic and motivating incentives.
  20. Evidence demonstrates that juvenile prisoners need intensive support following release to (i) deal with day-to-day practicalities, (ii) complete educational courses commenced in custody and (iii) ensure they do not fall back into crime.

Objective: To conduct research and field word on the incidents of Juvenile offense and to prepare and report on the basis of the juvenile and to prepare and report on the basis of the research and survey and conduct a seminar on the basis of the findings.


AIN-O-AUDHIKAR FOUNDATION will introduce various programs to the juveniles Prisoners to provide:

  • All kinds of legal aid and assistance so that they do not stay in jail without justice.
  • Will take step to establish under the children Act 1974 to  monitor juveniles prisoners Justice Board for Bangladesh for the operation and performance of the juvenile prisoners justice system and to identify and disseminate good practice in juveniles justice and in preventing offending by children and juvenile and juveniles people.
  • Juveniles focused training for staff working with young people. It includes modules on child protection, Understanding and working with children and juvenile people in custody, Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Vulnerability Assessment, Training Planning and Resettlement, Managing Difficult Behavior and Safeguarding.
  • Lobby for the improvement, implementation and promulgation of legislation’s/laws and other related measures which would protect and benefit the juvenile offenders.
  • Pursue and intensify a continuing public information and awareness campaign to the public on the rights and situations of the juvenile offenders.
  • Coordinate all efforts and service of non-government organizations, government agencies and individuals willing to work force for the rights of the juvenile offenders and work for the improvement of their conditions.

  1. A case Law based analyses of the treatment by the superior courts of questions of consent and coercion relation to juvenile offense, based on reputed juvenile judgments from 1971-2013.
  2. Analysis of police station (Thana) records, for three police station of be identified (one in Dhaka, one in Narayangong and one in Gazipur) of juvenile eases.
  3. A report of interviews with key actors. e.g. community based organizations. child rights organizations. Human rights organizations shelter staff. Police and jail authorities, British consular officials.
  4. Documentation on of five ease students of juvenile subjected to juvenile offense in the UK and Bangladesh as appropriate, based on court and police records.
  5. A review of press reports (and academic articles) on the issue of force juvenile offence.
  6. A national work on the issue of juvenile offence involving key actors lawyers. Governments officials journalists, child rights organization and activities to be held by June, 2014.
  7. To aware about basic human rights to the juvenile offender where in central jail. Dhaka and kasimpur jail, Gazipur.
  8. To ensure legal aid of the juvenile offenders and release them from the control jail of Dhaka and kasimpur jail in Gazipur and retaliated them.
  9. Providing income generating opportunities and their with securing and improving life style.
  10. To ensure preventive and curative supports for project beneficiaries and their families through legal supports and services as well as to establish access to government facilities.
  11. To ensure properly rehabilitation the juvenile offender who are released from the jail. As a result they will not commit any offence or criminal act in future.
  12. Juvenile court are functioning effectively and efficiently.
  13. To ensure aware to the law enforces police about juvenile rights according to the child Act 1974 and 2010.
  14. A comparison of the relevant statutory provisions and child Act. The defiance provocation and of self defense.

Our activities will aim to reach three results:

  1. 1000 juvenile offender freed from the jail.
  2. 1000 freed juvenile will be rehabilitated by various training program.
  3. 1000 juvenile offender and their family approximately 6000 people get legal aid.
  4. Only one police personals (sub: Inspector) are trained in every police station of the DMP. Dhaka and Gazipur District.(Approximately Sixty police personals).


    Published on: Monday, 1 September 2014, 02:07 pm | Last update: Saturday, 10 January 2015, 11:01 am | Total views: 153.